Original Article

An investigation on causes of delayed referral of patients with pleural empyema


Background: In the treatment of pleural empyema, medical therapy is typically sufficient for the 1st or 2nd
stage. However, surgical intervention becomes the optimal modality in the 3rd stage. A significant number of
patients experience delayed diagnosis and treatment, leading to the conversion of non-surgical pleural empyema into complicated surgical empyema.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with pleural empyema who were admitted to
NRITLD in Tehran from 2015 to 2016. Initially, 66 patients were selected; however, after the exclusion of 12
patients, a total of 54 patients were included in the study.
Results: Delays were attributed to the medical system in 62% of cases and to the patient in 29% of cases. The
median (IQR) of the total delay time attributed to the system was 38 (25) days. No significant difference was
found in the median of delayed referrals between genders. A significant correlation was observed between the
interval of the first and last visit and the interval between the onset of symptoms and chest x-ray (CXR), as well
as the interval between the performance of CXR and the insertion of chest tube drainage (CTD).
Conclusions: The delay in referral and treatment can be attributed to the patient, practitioners, or both. In this
study, it was found that the medical system is the primary cause of delay, primarily due to the long waiting times for admission and operation in hospitals. Patients who experience a delay in CXR and CTD insertion will face a significant delay in referral and their course of treatment. It is suggested that delayed referral could be prevented by providing patients with basic medical education, offering specialized training to general  practitioners for early referral, and managing waiting lists effectively.

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IssueVol 6 No 1 (2023) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ajs.v6i1.14713
patient referral delayed referral self-treatment pleural empyema

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How to Cite
Biharas Monfared A, Sadegh Beigee F, Alizadeh N, Kazempour Dizaji M, Sinaei P. An investigation on causes of delayed referral of patients with pleural empyema. AJS. 2023;6(1):17-23.