Original Article

Evaluating the effectiveness of nurse-led education on the anxiety level of preoperative candidates for opening vascular access in Shariati Hospital.


Introduction:  Every year, many chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergo surgeries to provide suitable vessel access for hemodialysis. These surgeries cause remarkable anxiety in these patients. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of nurse-led training on the level of anxiety experienced by these patients.
Methods: 38 cases were randomly selected from the candidates for opening vascular access in Shariati hospital, Tehran, Iran.  Divided equally into two groups of cases and controls, the anxiety rate was measured in both groups using the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory at baseline. After 30 minutes of our special personalized training, the anxiety rate was reevaluated in cases and, using paired t-test, was statistically compared with the anxiety rate before the intervention.
Results: The mean baseline anxiety rate was 40.94 and 40.42 in cases and controls, respectively. These numbers altered to 34.78 in cases and 40.05 in the controls after the training intervention. Statistical comparison yielded a significant decrease in the case group (p = 0.048), while the observed difference was statistically insignificant in the controls (p = 0.788).
Conclusion:  providing an appropriate personalized nurse-led educational package can remarkably reduce the anxiety level in preoperative candidates for opening vascular access in kidney failure cases. Further studies are required to better develop the content of these training and also to define whether a gap between the training and surgery is required to increase the effectiveness.

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IssueVol 7 No 1 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ajs.v7i1.16345
Anxiety Preoperative Training Permcath Venous Arterial Fistula

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How to Cite
Molavi B, Molavi RM, Yaghoobi Notash A. Evaluating the effectiveness of nurse-led education on the anxiety level of preoperative candidates for opening vascular access in Shariati Hospital. AJS. 2024;7(1):6-9.