Original Article

The Association of Abdominoplasty with Breast Reduction (Mommy Makeover): Experience in An African University Hospital


Introduction: The popularity of breast reduction and abdominoplasty has increased significantly over the years according to statistics from the American Society of plastic surgeons 2022. As a result, Mommy Makeover, or the procedure combining breast surgery and abdominoplasty, is not uncommon.

Patients and methods: A retrospective descriptive study that took place over a four-year period within the plastic and aesthetic surgery department of the IBN SINA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, Rabat, Morocco.

Results:  5 cases of Mommy Makeover operated within the plastic and aesthetic surgery department of the IBN SINA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, Rabat, Morocco. One case a was addressed two years after bariatric surgery. The procedure combined Breast reduction with the superior-internal pedicle technique with Wise’s pattern and abdominoplasty. No major complication was observed.

Discussion: Since the appearance of abdominoplasties combined with breast surgery, several concerns are related to this association. Venous thromboembolism is the most commonly discussed consequence in combined plastic surgery procedures. The risk of venous thromboembolism is not elevated when abdominoplasty and breast reduction are combined.

The study emphasizes the significance of cautious patient selection and attentive venous thromboembolism prevention. assess the validity of the Davison-Caprini framework for venous thromboembolism risk stratification and prophylaxis in plastic surgery. Other measures to prevent complications were cited in the literature and followed by our operating team.

Conclusion: With the help of a simple risk stratification tool that takes into account diabetes, age, BMI and ASA status, we can guarantee favorable results for women who may want combined surgery.

Introduction: The popularity of breast reduction and abdominoplasty has increased significantly over the years according to statistics from the American Society of plastic surgeons 2022. As a result, Mommy Makeover, or the procedure combining breast surgery and abdominoplasty, is not uncommon.

Patients and methods: A retrospective descriptive study that took place over a four-year period within the plastic and aesthetic surgery department of the IBN SINA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, Rabat, Morocco.

Results:  5 cases of Mommy Makeover operated within the plastic and aesthetic surgery department of the IBN SINA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, Rabat, Morocco. One case a was addressed two years after bariatric surgery. The procedure combined Breast reduction with the superior-internal pedicle technique with Wise’s pattern and abdominoplasty. No major complication was observed.

Discussion: Since the appearance of abdominoplasties combined with breast surgery, several concerns are related to this association. Venous thromboembolism is the most commonly discussed consequence in combined plastic surgery procedures. The risk of venous thromboembolism is not elevated when abdominoplasty and breast reduction are combined.

The study emphasizes the significance of cautious patient selection and attentive venous thromboembolism prevention. assess the validity of the Davison-Caprini framework for venous thromboembolism risk stratification and prophylaxis in plastic surgery. Other measures to prevent complications were cited in the literature and followed by our operating team.

Conclusion: With the help of a simple risk stratification tool that takes into account diabetes, age, BMI and ASA status, we can guarantee favorable results for women who may want combined surgery.

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IssueVol 7 No 2 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ajs.v7i2.16363
Mommy makeover abdominoplasty breast reduction.

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How to Cite
Berjaou Z, Hafidi J, Gharib N, abbassi A, el mazouz S. The Association of Abdominoplasty with Breast Reduction (Mommy Makeover): Experience in An African University Hospital. AJS. 2024;7(2):43-46.