Original Article

To investigate the relation between LDH and CRP levels and mortality of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) patients admitted in SURGERY ICU at Shariati Hospital from 19 February 2020 till 19 February 2021



The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between LDH and CRP levels and mortality of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) patients admitted in SURGERY ICU at Shariati Hospital from 19 February 2020 till 19 February 2021


Our study is a cross-sectional descriptive study . There are 81 patients that are enrolled in this study. We studied the lab reports including CBC parameters (WBC, neutrophils count, neutrophil percentage ) other inflammatory markers ESR and CRP and we also study the medical records of cases for collecting the details about age, gender , length of stay in SURGERY ICU, BMI, fever, survival status, comorbidity, intubation and NIV that was referred to Shariati hospital Tehran from  19 February 2020 (30-11-1398) till 19 February 2021(1-12-1399) regarding the relation between LDH and CRP levels and mortality of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) patients admitted in SURGERY ICU.

The data obtained was analyzed by the SPSS software and the significance value of < 0.05 was considered.


In this study, the information of 81 patients was considered. The data comes from medical records of Shariati hospital, Tehran. We took 11 variables to compare data of different patients that were recorded in registry and system of medical records in Shariati hospital, Tehran.

This study population included 81 patients, out of which 41 were female patients and 40 were male patients from age 25 to 89. In total 80.2% had mild disease vs 18.5% who had severe disease . 65 patients survived and 16 were admitted to the SURGERY ICU with endotracheal intubation and later on died. The length of stay in SURGERY ICU is 1-25 days. Out of 81 patients 52 (62.4%)have comorbidity and 29 (35.8%) don't have comorbidity. 12 patients (14.8%) receive NIV and 69 patients (85.2%) don't receive NIV. Most of the patients don't have fever.

The minimum and maximum level of CRP are 4 and 416 respectively and for LDH are 9 and 2401 respectively.

The prognostic factors for the severity of COVID-19 infection identified in this study (CRP and LDH) help predict the course of the disease at an early stage. Elevated concentrations of CRP and LDH at admission were found to be associated with a higher risk for COVID-19 severity as they are significant (p-value =0.049 and 0.048 respectively).


In this study laboratory investigation showed the SURGERY ICU patients to be having significantly higher values of inflammatory markers CRP and LDH than the non-SURGERY ICU patients. LDH and CRP were superior and an effective biomarker in predicting the severity of COVID-19.

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IssueVol 7 No 2 (2024) QRcode
SectionOriginal Article(s)
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/ajs.v7i2.16364
SARS-CoV-2 lab results LDH CRP lung lesions

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How to Cite
mohammadiafrakoti nima, talebi kahdouei mohammdsadegh, khajehnasiri alireza, heroababdi arash, haji mollarabei samaneh, aghaei fatemeh. To investigate the relation between LDH and CRP levels and mortality of COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) patients admitted in SURGERY ICU at Shariati Hospital from 19 February 2020 till 19 February 2021. AJS. 2024;7(2):47-51.